Check and see what Cassini Block Number and your Balance
CRO Balance:
Add Thrive Token (PIB) in Metamask 0xd870faeD7A8BEbB76837DD68d570C5939A94d078
Instead of sending CRO, you can send PIB. (Note: You still need CRO for transaction fees.) 'Send PIB' will donate 1 PIB.
You can ask on discord chain fron joppy
Cassini Name:
Cassini Symbol:
Cassini Balance:
What's your favorite number?
Here is the Favorite Number contract (SimpleStorage) However, it doesn't work correctly because I rushed it out. I finally found the error, but didn't launch a new contract.
Cassini Faucet for PIB Thrive Token
Sends every 12 hours or You can @joppy me on Discord chain